Show & Tell Tuesday: Christmas Decor

Christmas Decorations

Today I am linking with Andrea to share our Christmas Decor. I love getting a glimpse into other peoples homes and seeing how they decorate!

Let me be honest here, not much has changed from our 2014 decorations. Next year should be different though since Baby S will be here to celebrate!




Mimi picked up this little stocking for our tree to represent our little buck-a-roo on the way 🙂


This nativity scene was passed down to me from my mom. Its so old but fits perfectly with the rustic Christmas vibe that we have going on.


Mimi also picked up little man’s first Christmas tree with a cute little baseball ornament. Next year, I plan to put this in his room but for now it fits great on our Christmas card table.


Christmas is my very favorite holiday and I am always so sad to pack up the decorations. I have to admit though that I am so looking forward to Christmas next year with a 9month old although I may have to move all of my ornaments up a little higher on the tree ha!


Family Gallery Wall

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At our wedding, hanging above the sign-in table, was this window frame which held pictures of our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. Since then, I have been wanting to incorporate the pictures into our home but was never able to decide where they should go. Finally, it hit me.. there is a blank wall behind our foyer area and opposite of the two guest rooms and I decided that a gallery wall would be the perfect fit!


My friend, Jo and I went on the search for black frames. Our first (and only) stop was HomeGoods where I surprisingly found a big selection of black frames that included white mattes. While browsing the aisles, I also found this “Family is Everything” picture. I had originally planned on putting a picture of Chris and I in the middle of the gallery but after finding that, I decided that I liked the saying better and that down the road I could always change it out to a picture of us if I so wanted to.


Once we got back to Jo’s house, we put all of the pictures in the frames and started playing with different arrangements. I liked this one best and also thought it would be the best fit for our wall space.


With help from my lovely assistant, the wall started coming together. One thing we didn’t take into consideration when we first made the arrangement was the light switch on the right side of the wall which for some reason seemed to throw things off. Once we started hanging pictures, it was obvious that we were going to have to swap the pictures on the right and left sides.



I absolutely love how it turned out! So many special people hang there and I love the fact that we have room to grow with it.


2014 Christmas Decor

I have been meaning to post Christmas decorations for quiet some time. Here we are, exactly one week before Christmas, and I am finally getting around to it.


Two years ago, we were living in a much smaller home. Like 900 square feet smaller to be exact! We purchased this tree our last Christmas season there, not knowing we would soon be moving into a larger space.



A few years back, Chris’s mom got the pups matching monogrammed stockings. We hang them on the back door each year so that they can see them 🙂


I didn’t do much on my table this year. I basically just stuck some pics from Hobby Lobby in a pitcher, tied a ribbon, and called it a day. Maybe next year the table will get a little more festive.


In our kitchen, I love these two items. The first is a print I ordered off of the jane website. The second is an Alabama Christmas plate I won at dirty santa a few years ago.


Our entry table is my favorite piece to decorate for each season. I found the sign at HomeGoods for less that $15! The two Christmas trees came from JCPenney and the reindeer was on major clearance at Michaels.




As of this past Friday, Chris’s title of CRNP is official.. he passed boards!! Thank goodness he did otherwise his surprise party on Saturday wouldn’t have been near as exciting ha!

First, let me just say that keeping a party in our home a secret from Chris may be one of the hardest things I have had to do since we got married. Every plan I made to get him out of the house Saturday seemed to backfire. Luckily, with the help of our friends Chris and Jo Mae, our final plan worked like a charm and he was so surprised!!


With our Christmas decorations already up, I really didn’t have to decorate much. I made this chalkboard pennant banner Thursday night after Chris went to bed. Easy and simple and went well with our rustic Christmas decor. IMG_0167

I found white tablecloths on sale at Target and used them along with a burlap runner that I purchased at Walmart for the tables. I then took cheap grapevine wreaths, added a few berry picks, and candles and voilà. Chris was out of the house by 8am that morning which gave me just the right amount of time before guests started arriving around 1230pm. Mom aka superwoman was at the house by 930am with most of the food. The fact that her and my father now own a restaurant sure does come in handy!


A full house of our closest family and friends, good food, achieved goals, and a BAMA win all made for the perfect Saturday afternoon! Thanks again to everyone who came out to celebrate with us. A huge thank you to those who worked with me behind the scenes to make it all happen! We love you all!!


Friday Favorites


There is nothing worse than waking up thinking its Saturday, then looking at your phone and realize it’s only Friday. That’s what happened to me this morning. Bummer! Anyway, since it is in fact Friday, its that time of the week where I share my favorites. This week I started decorating the house with my fall stuff. It seems like I can never remember what decorations I have until the storage tubs are down from the attic. It was a sad realization when I opened them this year to find that I didn’t want to use anything I had. My husband loves me for this 🙂

photo 1-1Remember this post where I mentioned this centerpiece from Kirklands?! Well, with the help of two gift-cards that I have been saving since my birthday, this gorgeous piece is now ours and I only had to spend $0.19!

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This pitcher is one of my favorite things in our kitchen! It usually sits on the table, but since I have my new centerpiece, I just moved it to the bar. I found this wheat at Hobby Lobby and thought it would be a nice touch for fall. I love it!

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Also in the kitchen, I printed this free printable and put it in a black frame that we already had. I do not love the frame but it will work for now. Chris’s mom gave us this terracotta pumpkin years ago and we have been using it ever since.


This entry table is my absolute favorite! The lantern was a Christmas gift from Chris’s sister last year. I picked up the table runner, acorn, wheat, and two pumpkins from Homegoods. I found the canvas at Kirklands yesterday.

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Chris’s mom gave us this pumpkin when we lived in our old house. It made the move with us and is currently the only seasonal decor in our living room. I’m working on that!

Linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea today.
